Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International Migration and Ethnic Relations Coursework

International Migration and Ethnic Relations - Coursework Example Racism is a product of stigma. Stigma changes the way people relate to one another, it may also reflect the way the whole society relates with the stigmatised person or group. The difference has cause from the different races or tribes and social classes. This process is all around the way they have exclusion from the social activities and interaction. These activities include games like football, hanging out in public places together or even dating. This exclusion is discrimination, prejudice or a process mediated institutionally. Racism in the western culture has a long history and it dates back in time memorial. Designation of racial i.e. terms have been used to disseminate power and in the oppression of people. The designation ‘Negro’ was one of the terms used to describe the black Americans. These designations collect a baggage to become terms of discrimination and abuse or one that would otherwise be offensive to the people or person with such reference. In Britain ‘coloured’ is a term used to refer to disparagement of some kind, in Canada, the term ‘people of colour’ is an accepted term to describe certain groups of persons. The designation term ‘black’ used to be a stigma term until the movement of the black power reversed it in the 1960s. People belonging to racial groups or the racial groups themselves are not stigmatised at all, the terms used to describe them is what makes it so stigmatising. The context in which the terms are used is even more discriminating than the term itself. When the term white and non-white are used, the latter term describes something that the former lack. White implies purity in the genetic makeup, with no contamination of the black. Racial difference stigmatisation also has use in other contexts. The term ‘Turk’ also has explanation twice in the English language, a group of turkey or national turkey. Equally, it means someone who is very hard to manage. Our t hought may not be as conscious as the dictionary but woven for easy assumption of the meaning of words to refer to one thing to express how we feel about people. Sometimes referring to people as Turk is discriminatory and causes stigma. Racism and discrimination is not hard to identify, it is something that comes up in those who express it as soon as they contact those discriminated against. Something like skin colour e.g. the black and the whites, the black has identification by the eye, not much investigation need implementation to identify the excluded group. This is the reason why racial discrimination is an instant thing. The group of persons discriminated usually do not have a chance to express themselves among other people who do not belong to their own group. They are perceived to be less of importance. Therefore, they do not enjoy opportunities in the current competitive world. Their issues will lack quantification for quality by people who discriminate against them without looking at the fact that they come from a discriminated group (Goffman, 1968). Attributes of stigma, is discrediting and very extensive in nature that it sometimes referred to as a handicap or a shortcoming. It makes up a society that identifies itself socially without giving preference to the virtues of its members ( (Goffman, 1990), pg 11-12). Bibliography Goffman, E. (1990). Management of Spoilt Identity. London: Penguin Books. Goffman, E. (1968). Stigma:Notes on The Management of Spoiled Identity. London: Penguine Publishers. Question two Lentin and historicization of the race Racism dates back from the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Description and Evaluation of the St. Andrew Parish Church Care Centre Essay Example for Free

Description and Evaluation of the St. Andrew Parish Church Care Centre Essay Statistics have shown that in 2002 there was 16% of the Jamaican population living below the poverty line (RJR News cast). Additionally, because of restructuring of the economy and downsizing of the private sector many breadwinners have lost their jobs. This state of affairs has led to a growing number of children on the streets fending for themselves. Unemployment and poverty have led to persons reneging from their parental responsibilities of providing adequate food, shelter, clothing and supervision for their children. As a consequence of the harsh economic situation and the deteriorating social conditions, more and more children in urban centres such as Halfway Tree, have decided to congregate at the traffic lights where they can beg or earn money by wiping the windscreens of motor vehicles. Over the last twenty years this untenable phenomenon has developed. At almost every traffic light or major intersection e. g. the junctions of Trafalgar Road and Hope Road, Oxford Street and Old Hope Road, and Maxfield Avenue and Hagley Park Road, boys gather from as early as 6:00 a. m. to solicit alms from generous motorists. This development thought profitable for the boys, often caused other social problems for Jamaica. For example, many of the street boys become a nuisance as they harass motorists. Sometimes the boys would steal from motorists or even abused those who refused to give them money. Many of the boys actually live on the streets where it is reported that they become involved in pushing and taking illegal drugs. It has been reported that some are molested by homosexuals and often they are beaten up. The most unfortunate situation which has befallen the street boys is the lack of education. Very few if any of these boys who beg at the nations traffic lights can ever hope to become useful and productive adults without formal education and training. It is out of this need for strong guidance and help that the St. Andrew Parish Church established the Care Centre. Review of Literature The problem of street children has been a perpetual one that shows no signs of abatement. There have been several attempts by governments and NGOs to find ways of eliminating the problem. One needs to look at what created this phenomenon in the first place before one can determine how to solve it. It is therefore necessary to define the term street children. According to Christina Blank, in Urban Children in Distress, the term may be broadly defined as children who earn money, by legal and illegal activities on urban streets (174). She goes on to state that real street children are the roofless and rootless who live alone or with other children like themselves on the streets (324). Because these children are mobile it is extremely difficult to ascertain their numbers. It has been found that the response of those in a position to help the powerless in society, for street children may be seen as powerless, has been ad hoc or insufficient. Blank sets out various strategies and government policies that may be implemented to deal with the increasing problem of children living on the streets.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Othello: The Destruction of Honor :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello

Othello:   The Destruction of Honor       In The Tragedy of Othello, William Shakespeare tells the tale of the â€Å"noble Moor† whose honor and innocence bring about his downfall. Shakespeare writes of the power of jealousy, and the art of masterful deception and trickery. The story primarily takes place in Cyprus, during a war between the people of Venice and the invading Turks. In this play Shakespeare shows the feelings of Othello’s embittered right-hand man of, Iago, who feels he is passed over for a promotion and swears his revenge. He proceeds to manipulate his friends, enemies, and family into doing his bidding without any of them ever realizing his ultimate goal. He makes Othello believe that his new wife, the innocent Desdemona, is committing adultery with his newly promoted officer Michael Cassio. After this seed of jealousy has been planted, Othello’s mind takes its course in determining the true outcome, with a little more nudging from Iago. The course of action he proceeds to follow is one that not only ends his own life, but also the life of his wife and others. In Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Othello, Othello is a man who is still truly honorable, despite the course of action he takes to resolve his perceived problem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the novel, up until his insanity, Othello is described as a temperate man whose honor does not allow him to believe assumptions unless he has been shown proof. Firstly, when the men of Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, confront Othello’s men, Othello calmly says, â€Å"Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.† (10). Othello is confronted on the matter of his elopement with Desdemona with force and with words. Not only is he very cool about his dealings with violence, but also when he is asked to tell the story of how he had Desdemona fall in love with him he states the truth, and he doesn’t leave out any details of how he accomplished it. He openly admits that had any other man told his story, that man also would have won her heart. Only a truly honorable man can admit that it was a story, and not his personality that truly won the woman’s heart. Othello’s honor is shown by h is trust in the people he knows and loves. When Iago tells Othello that he believes Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair, Othello does not believe Iago initially.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

World Hunger Speech Outline

We have all felt like we were starving before, right? Sometimes you skip a meal and your stomach may start to growl? Well there are people all over America who have to go starving every day, and In this case, children. I'm hoping that today everyone In this room will leave feeling a little more Informed on the topic of child hunger. After researching the topic After studying Child hunger in America, I'd like to talk about How many children go hungry in America? What being starving does to your body? Charities that help. Body: How many Children go hungry in America?According to Unknowingly, 16. 2 children in America are not getting the food that they need on a regular basis. Food insecurity- or the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food- exists In 17. 2 million households, 3. 9 of them with children. Http://m;m. Unknowingly. Org/problem/hunger-facts% of homes with children living In them In big cities have food Insecurity. Severe Acute Malnutrition threatens the lives of 34 million children and every year at least 1 million of them die room malnutrition-related causes. Http://www. Countersignature. Org/impact/ nutrition? Clip=Cliff LaM 18ACFcZQ7AodUFQAWVv What starvation does to your body What happens in your stomach during starvation First your body will go into a state of ketosis. After all the fats broken are down, your body turns to breaking down protein in your muscles. Your immune system will be weakened due too lack of vitamins and minerals. There are typically two diseases you can get, marauds- which is a form of severe malnutrition and energy deficiency and kwashiorkor- caused by not getting enough protein and Is characterized by fatigue, edema, and decreased muscle mass. Http://www. Medically. Mom/now-entering-starvation-mode-what-happens-your- metabolic-processes-when-you-stop-feeding-your-body Starvation effects the brain So, in the initial stages of starvation, our bodies convert glycogen in the liver into more us er-friendly glucose. However, after a short time, our bodies begin burning fat reserves. When our fat is metabolize into nutrients useable by the brain, Ketene bodies are produced resulting in a state of Ketosis. Eventually, after a more extended erred of starvation, the body begins to run out of excess fat and must, instead, turn to muscle and connective tissue.Finally, when all else fails, the brain begins to break down neurons, reducing the volume of the brain and thereby â€Å"shrinking' the brain. Http://www. Transference. Com/blobs/451-eating-disorder-awareness-week-4-of-5- brain-starvation. HTML Ways to help stop child hunger. Charities Feed the Children Action against hunger World Vision Volunteer Your Time Repacking donated food for use at food pantries Transporting food to charitable agencies Help out at local soup kitchens Conclusion:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Resource Based View of the Firm

Design/methodology,'approach – The paper proposes a link between value theory and accountability using a Resource Value-Resource Risk perspective as an alternative to the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The link operates first from the labor process, where value is created but is imperfectly observable by intra-firm mechanisms of organizational control and outside governance arrangements without Incurring monitoring costs. Second, It operates through contractual arrangements which Impose fixed cost structures on activities with variable revenues.Findings – The paper thereby explains how value originates in risky and difficult to monitor productive processes and is transmitted as rents to organizational and capital market constituents. It then reviews recent contributions to the RUB, arguing that the proposed new approach overcomes gaps inherent in the alternatives, and thus offers a more complete and integrated view of firm behavior. Originality/value – The RUB can become a coherent theory of firm behavior. If It adopts and can Integrate the labor theory of value. Associated measures of risk arising from the labor process and mechanisms of accountability.Keywords Resources, Risk management, Labor, Competitive advantage Paper type Research paper Value, profit and risk 1 . Introduction To what extent is strategy framed in accounting terms and what role do accounting numbers and techniques play in setting strategy? In both cases the answer is probably not enough, In view of the potential contribution on offer from accounting generally, and from critical accounting In particular. In recent years, the resource-based view (RUB) of the firm, has achieved widespread dissemination In academic literature and management practice (Acted et al. , 2006).It explains nominative advantage, or delivery of sustained above-normal returns (Apteral, 1993) or economic profit (Barney, 2001), in terms of firms' bundles of resources (Amity and Shoemaker, 1993; Rumble, 1984), which are valuable, rare, inimitable and non- substitutable (FRI.) (Barney, 2001, emphasis added). A theory linking asset value and abnormal returns Is therefore The author would Like to thank participants at the European critical Accounting studies conference, multiversity AT York, 2 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland, whose financial support helped develop the ideas in this paper.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nursing Theoretical Foundations of Practice essays

Nursing Theoretical Foundations of Practice essays Sleep deprivation among patients in ICU is a prominent problem in health care today. This could lead to further physiological and psychological problems such as delirium, in extreme cases. The cause of this is the stress associated with the critical conditions necessitating admission to the intensive care unit (Roberts, 2000). A further problem associated with this is that health care workers at times misdiagnose and misperceive the condition as less dangerous than is in fact the case. It is therefore clear that the problem of sleep deprivation needs to be analyzed for its nature and its causes. There is a lack of such analysis, mainly as a result of advanced technology taking priority over the functionality of the patients themselves (Johnson 2000). The human element is thus neglected in favor of treating the illness as an isolated problem (Roberts, 2000). Nursing models such as those created by Neuman, Roy and Johnson can be useful in bringing back the concept of the whole person to ICU patients experience sleep disruptions on average about every 20 minutes during a 24-hour day (Johnson, 2000). These disruptions come in the form of observations to ensure the physical stability of the patient. Another factor is the isolation from the natural day-night cycle as a result of ICUs constructed without any windows. If lights are always on at a consistent intensity, this furthermore disrupts the sleeping pattern and aggravates the inability of patients to reach the deepest stage of sleep. These factors lead to severe sleep deprivation, which may complicate to Stress-related sleep deprivation in the ICU can affect memory, concept formation, reasoning and executive function (Johnson, 2000). The fear already present as a result of the need for intensive care results in sleep deprivation, which aggravates disorientation, agitation, and possibly delirium. In order to...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Connector Words Every Italian Student Should Learn

Connector Words Every Italian Student Should Learn â€Å"I like to go to the beach. I like to read. The books I like to read are mystery novels. The other books I like to read are romance novels.† While you are sure to get your message across using a variation of the sentences above, you’ll also feel stilted, uncomfortable in what you’re saying because it doesn’t feel like something you would say normally. This is why students in the beginning stages of learning hesitate to speak to natives. They feel incompetent like they’ve regressed 35 years and that makes it harder for them to enjoy having conversations. While there are a variety of techniques you can use to make your conversations more fluid, and therefore increase your confidence, one of them is to learn connector words or words that connect two separate sentences together. These could be conjunctions, like â€Å"and† or â€Å"but†, or they could be adverbs, like â€Å"also† or â€Å"then†. Below are eight of those words that are critical for every beginner student to know in order to have conversations that feel less awkward and more natural. 1. E - And Mi piace andare in spiaggia e leggere. - I like to go to the beach and read.Vorrei andare quest’estate in Toscana e in Puglia. - I would like to go to Tuscany and Puglia this summer.Mi serve un po’ di zucchero, del pane e della frutta. - I need a bit of sugar, some bread, and some fruit.Vuoi guardare un film e poi prendere un caffà ¨? - Do you want to watch a movie and then grab a coffee? TIP: â€Å"Poi† is also a great word that gives a sequence to phrases, like â€Å"E poi dovremmo andare al cinema. - And then we should go to the movies†. 2. Perà ²/ma - But Vorrei venire in centro con voi, ma oggi ho troppe cose da fare. - I want to go downtown with you all, but I have too many things to do today.Mi piace andare in spiaggia, perà ² non mi piace prendere il sole. - I like to go the beach, but I don’t like to suntan.Volevo venire a trovarti, ma ho perso il treno! - I wanted to come and visit you, but I missed the train.Ho provato a leggere questo libro, perà ² à ¨ troppo noioso. - I tried to read this book, but it’s too boring. 3. O/Oppure - Or Preferisci mangiare il pesce o la carne? - Do you prefer to eat fish or meat?Ti piace leggere romanzi oppure gialli? - Do you like to read romance novels or mystery novels?Vuoi andare a Roma o a Tivoli? - Do you want to go to Rome or Tivoli? 4. Anche - Also Mi piace anche leggere. - I also like to read. Note that the placement of â€Å"anche† can only be before the verb â€Å"leggere†. Ho comprato anche un libro di grammatica. - I also bought a grammar book. Here you could place â€Å"anche† between â€Å"ho† and â€Å"comprato†, and its placement serves to highlight different parts of the sentence. Vorrei anche un contorno. - I would also like a side.Anche io. - Me too. 5. Che - That Preferisco che andiamo al mare invece che in piscina. - I prefer that we go to the sea instead of the pool.Non pensi che faccia troppo caldo? - You don’t think it’s too hot?Silvia à ¨ un’insegnante che si aspetta molto dagli studenti. - Silvia is a teacher that expects a lot from her students. 6. Quindi – So/Then Oggi ho molto da fare, quindi non posso uscire con voi. - Today I have a lot to do, so I can’t go out with you all.Non mi piace la neve, quindi mi trasferisco alle Hawaii. - I don’t like the snow, so I’m moving to Hawaii.Amo la cultura italiana, quindi imparo l’italiano. – I love Italian culture, so I’m learning Italian. 7. Allora – So, Then, Well Allora, ti racconto cos’à ¨ successo. – So let me tell you what happened.Ci vediamo allora! – We’ll see each other then!Allora, che facciamo? – Well, what are we doing? 8. Cioà ¨ – That is Faccio la scrittrice, cioà ¨ scrivo articoli su come s’imparano le lingue straniere. - I’m a writer, that is I write about how to learn foreign languages.La mia auto appartiene alla classe Euro 6, cioà ¨ quella delle auto meno inquinanti. – My car belongs to the Euro 6 class, thats the one more environment friendly.Vado in Italia fra due mesi, cioà ¨ a giugno. – I’m going to Italy in two months, in June actually.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Stand Out in Any Job Interview- TheJobNetwork

How to Stand Out in Any Job Interview- TheJobNetwork In today’s world, competition for jobs is as fierce as it has ever been. The average employer  interviews multiple people for a job. Even after you’ve made it to the second round or third round of interviews, it’s extremely likely that you’re still competing against 2-3 other people for this job. With that being said, it’s important to stand out in your job interview. Of course, that’s easier said than done. The infographic below will help you figure out how to succeed in  any job interview so that regardless of competition, you’ll be able to impress future employers and increase your chances of landing the job.Source: [InterviewSuccessFormula]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Finance - Essay Example In addition, the company operates its hospitality business from Fremantle, Healesville and Melbourne. The company has some subsidiaries as well such as Little Creatures Breweries Pvt. Ltd., which is a popular name in Australia. Another subsidiary assisting the group in its packaging and hospitality vertical is Fremantle Harbour Properties Pvt. Ltd., as recorded last on June 30, 2006 (Reuters, 2011). The present paper aims to assess the credibility of the company during 2009 and 2010, based on which it might be appraised to the position of a suitable borrower. Credibility of a company could be decided through an evaluation of its financial performance over the years. Financial evaluation on the other hand, could be made on the basis of the four groups of ratios namely, Liquidity, Efficiency, Activity and Profitability. In case that the company is found to fare well in terms of the above factors, it might be regarded as a suitable borrower. In addition, an assessment of the economic en vironment in which the bank is functioning also needs to be assessed for the purpose. Economic Environment Strengths The economic environment of Little World Beverages Group might be regarded as having improved from the records of financial year 2008 to that in the financial year 2009. It experienced growth in terms of total operating revenues as well as net profit ratios by 18% and 51% respectively over the years. These improvements had essentially been due to expansions in the company’s base of operations over the years. It had moved on to international frontiers as well so that the company started experiencing economies of large scale operations (Little World Beverages Limited, 2009-10). Weaknesses The company is recently found to have withdrawn much of its outstanding shares from the secondary market which has taken a toll over its financial leverage quotient. Moreover this very fact has proved to be quite taxing in its profitability aspect as well which is the reason why the company might be at the verge of losing its loyal base of investors. Financial Status As mentioned earlier, the financial evaluation of a company would be made on the basis of four groups of financial ratios each of which will be examining one particular aspect of the company’s profile. Information based on which these assessments are to be made will be available on the company annual reports. Liquidity Liquidity of a company decides the extent to which a company is capable to meet its short run obligations. In other words, how far a company is able to tackle its short run liabilities given its volume of assets is something that is conceptualized by the term short term solvency. It draws a comparison between the company liabilities and the volume of liquid assets possessed by the company. In case that the proportion of liquid assets is greater than the liabilities surmounting the company, it might be regarded as solvent over the short run (Wild, Subramanyam & Halsey, 200 6). There are three ratios to determine short term solvency of a company, namely – Current Ratio – It decides the units of current asset that a company possesses in comparison with the current liabilities of the same. Ideally, current ratio must be greater than 1 in order to establish a company’s solvent position. In case that it is rising over time as well, short term liquidity of the company might be regarded as a robust one. Quick Ratio – It implies the ratio of quick assets to current liabilitie

Comparison of Feud, Neo-Feud and Post Feud Ideas Coursework

Comparison of Feud, Neo-Feud and Post Feud Ideas - Coursework Example As theories were tested through discussions and questioning most of his followers found themselves holding diverging opinions from Feud and his theories. The result was a breakaway and formulation of other theories. The new theories, nonetheless, still hold some of the same underlying principles of psychoanalysis by Feud. Example the view of the unconscious self a drive in emotions, cognitions, and behaviors. The defense mechanism idea in relation to unconscious is also maintained. Karen Honey on Feminine psychology: FEUD PERSPECTIVE Karen perspective differed with feuds perspective because of feuds portrayal of women as desiring to be male. Feud perspective viewed women as incomplete and missing some element- not being a person of their own (Brown, 1961). NEO-FEUD PERSPECTIVE The Adult behavior is focused on overcoming basic anxiety experienced in child hood i.e. neurotic needs, behavior is shaped by attempts to avoid this anxiety experiences (Brown, 1961). Carl Jung’s Analytic Psycholog: FEUD PERSPECTIVE Most of personalities displayed in child adulthood is shaped by experiences in early childhood (Ash, 1987). NEO-FEUD PERSPECTIVE Collective unconscious All people share certain inborn ideas and memories, most of which reside in the unconscious †¢ Archetypes-fundamental images. †¢ Persona– Social mask used in public False self to protect privacy †¢ Anima– The perception of the female, as held in the mind of a male †¢ Animus– The idealized image of the male, as held in the mind of a female †¢ The anima and animus images lead to misunderstandings (Ash, 1987).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Management. The issue of obesity in America Essay

Marketing Management. The issue of obesity in America - Essay Example The health and safety industry which manufacture exercise equipments is also likely to gain since there will be more people who will be seeking to purchase the equipment to engage in exercise. According to the survey on the trust of professional in America, it gives a good idea of those who are trusted most by the people and therefore the one who they would like to be associated with. For the purpose of marketing I would use the most trusted professionals like teachers and priest in order to associate the products with. This is because the trust that these people have on these professionals would be translated to the trust that they will develop on the products that are being sold. Therefore in order to market properly, I would target the input of the most trusted professional in adverting the products and services. This means that the consumer would end up buying the product based on the fact that it is associated with the most trusts persona since they will take them as their opinion leaders. The survey on the leisure activities gives the most preferred activity as reading and watching TV. In this case this data can be used to give a good marketing idea since it gives the most used and engaged in leisure activity. If most of the people engage in reading, then it means that books and other related material are likely to be in high demand. Therefore marketer can make good sales from this. It also means that marketer can also take a marketing approach in which they will try to associate their product with the leisure activity that is mostly used by the people. Ethical issues and overweight Here there is an ethical issue about the health of the population and the amount of profit that these food companies are making from the people. In this case MacDonald's and other restaurants have found that it is more profitable to offer people super size fries and drinks which contain more calories in order to make more profits. In this case they have been deceiving the consumers that they are getting more while in the real sense it is the restaurants that are making more.This has had an effect of increasing the number of overweigh Americans. The rate of growth of lifestyle conditions and disease can therefore be directly attributed to the action of these restaurants to bundle meals and make more profits since customer perceive that they are begin give a good deal on the meals. These restaurants have also targeted the most vulnerable groups which is the children and the young people who are not aware of the health effect of junk foods. They have started selling junk food in schools . The food industry has also been using huge amount of resources in order to advertise for these junk foods. This is aimed at attracting more people to the each processed and convenience food despite the health effects that is associated with the food. There is an ethical issue concerning the need for the restaurant to make huge profits and the health of the people. The effects of junk food are very well understood by all people. But on the other hand you have people who are pressed by busy routine schedules in their work. They have little time to prepare quality meals and therefore they are likely to eat what is provided by restaurants. Seeing financial attitude in a cloudy sky Market demand is a description of the consumption of a product or a

Legal implications of adverse utilization review determinations by Essay

Legal implications of adverse utilization review determinations by health insurance companies - Essay Example Adverse utilization review determination is an important consideration in health related issues for the people of the United States of America.Health insurance companies of America deal this issue and help people obtaining their health insurance benefits..It is necessary to add that adverse determination of medical necessity is experimental or investigational in nature. The necessity of health insurance companies as well as the adverse utilization review by them is getting momentum position in the recent days."The Department of Insurance (Department) is required to establish and maintain a process for annual certification of independent review organizations and to maintain a list of certified independent review organizations to be used by HMOs.""The insurance department has certified a number of Independent Review Organizations to conduct the reviews. Again, the department has also filed a proposed interim rule regarding external review which was supposed to be effective immediately (Rogers, 2000)ii".States have undertaken efforts to frame legislative instruments and give them into effect with a view to affording people the benefits of health insurance. The state of Indiana has established and long been maintaining an external grievance procedure for resolving the resolution of grievances regarding adverse utilization review determinations. In 2000, the New Hampshire legislature passed a legislation empowering the establishment of an independent external consumer appeal process to review adverse utilization review determinations which are supposed to.... are needed to be clarified. It will also help in drawing a better assessment on this intended paper. Final adverse determination indicates the meaning that an adverse determination has been upheld by a utilization review agent in regard to the issue of a health care service following a standard appeal, or corresponds to a matter where section 4904 of the insurance law is applicable. More categorically speaking, Adverse determination means a sort of determination by health carrier or its designee utilization review entity which meant a requested admission, availability of care, continuous stay or other health care service, as well as supply of drugs which is covered under the terms of the covered person's health benefit plan. Utilization review includes a set of formal techniques designed to monitor the use of or evaluate the clinical necessity, its effectiveness, health care services, health care procedures etc. Material affiliation means where there is a substantial relationship bet ween physician-patient relationships, partnership relationship or employment relationship. Clinical peer reviewer includes the persons who have deserving competences to conduct their activities in medical profession or equal to those of carriers of health care services. Retrospective adverse utilization means the consideration of the claim of health service when the medical treatment has already been taken and whether the treatment should be on continuous stay. Medical Necessity Undeniably, as the companies as well as the HMOs pay claims based upon the concept of The insurance companies consider the claims if people attempt to get pre-certification where a proposed health treatment is to be taken by the patients or insurer of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nat Turner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nat Turner - Essay Example He was the property' of Benjamin Turner, a plantation owner. Nat Turner's mother and grandmother had been brought to America from Africa and hated the concept of slavery from the bottom of their hearts. Nat grew up deeply religious and intensely sharing his mother's views of slavery. He gradually believed that He was God's prophet chosen to lead his people out of slavery. An annual solar eclipse convinced Turner that God had signaled from the Heavens above to start a revolution and with seven other of his associates or friends who were also slaves launched a rebellion. The rebellion began with the house of Nat's new master Joseph Travis. Almost 50 white people were killed. Contrary to what Nat had planned the rebellion was crushed within 48 hours and he himself was captured several days later. Naturally this insurrection had incited public fury and led to a thousand idle exaggerated and mischevious reports' (Thomas R. Gray). It heralded the beginning of a series of upsurges of open rebellion of the slaves which eventually led to the Great Civil War. Everything was shrouded in mystery till the confession' of Nat Turner was brought to light. Thomas R. Gray met Nat Turner in prison and recorded his account of the slave rebellion .Nat Turner was regarded as the Great Bandit'. Thomas Gray claims he found Nat willing to make a full and free confession of the origin, progress and consummation of the insurrectory movements of the slaves of which he was the contriver and head'. (Thomas Gray) The Confessions of Nat Turner like all other confessions cannot be held to be a document of Absolute Truth. It is definitely a revelation of several facts most of which can be corroborated further but every convict even during the last confession of his life will be in fear of his captor even if faced with the gallows. Moreover, what he said has been written down by Thomas Gray in the prison cell. Just as what Turner said may have been directed by emotion so also what was finally written may have been tainted by the writer of this confession to satiate the greatly excited public mind'. The mind is fraught with the very pertinent question did Turner voluntarily make these confessions The Confession remains a subject of intellectual debate , "both praised as a brave look into a rarely represented life, and maligned for what many saw as a clichd conception of a black man.". (NAT TURNER: A Troublesome Property, Styron 1967) Nat Turner's rebellion marked a year that also saw the rise of the abolitionist movement, growing tensions over states' rights and the arrival of the steam locomotive.1831 proved to be a watershed year in American history (Louis P. Masur, author of 1831: Year of Eclipse). The hysterical climate that followed Turner's revolt, blacks from as far away as North Carolina were accused of being part of the insurrection and even executed. Harriet Ann Jacobs, who later escaped to freedom, describes this climate of fear and harassment in her memoirs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself. Nat 's confessions regarding his visions were probably correct and seem to be the words of a prophet who is convinced about his convictions. He sincerely believed that the Holy Spirit which spoke to prophets of earlier times actually spoke to him. He claims unabashedly that the Spirit told him "Seed ye the

Breast cancer Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Breast cancer - Term Paper Example luding family history, genetics, age of menstruation, and other  factors that have not yet been identified.  Though much less common, breast cancer also occurs in men.   Breast cancer patients usually experience a lot of stress and frustration due to reasons like the unpredictability of the disease, uncertainty of the future and financial difficulties (Lynn & Charles, 25). It is even more difficult for patients who have to go out of remission and face the medical complications over and over again. I know this because my mom had had cancer about 12 years ago and when she recently heard the news about her cancer’s return, she was hurt, tensed and devastated about it. Other effects of breast cancer include troubled sleep, body aches, headaches, pain, fatigue and anxiety. Moreover, many cancer patients including my mom worry about their physical appearance after extensive treatment procedures like chemotherapy, mastectomy and skin changes from radiation therapy and find it extremely difficult to make public experiences (Lynn & Charles, 25). But that certainly does not mean that patients cannot deal with it. By taking one step at a time and by the support of her friends and family, my mother is trying to deal with her situation. She prefers to keep herself still busy in work so that her mind remains occupied and tension – free. Almost 200,000 women suffer from the disease each year. Although there are many external factors contributing towards the spread of breast cancer, current investigations have revealed that genetic inheritance has a major part to play in almost five to ten percent of these cases (Lynch, 91-98). This knowledge, an ingenious finding by Mary-Claire King in 1990, linked breast cancer to the long-arm of chromosome 17 (Biesecker, 22-27). Since the discovery of possible genetic linkage, doctors have been able to delineate those individuals who are most prone to the disorder, and immediately, these women begin to act in accordance with doctor’s

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nat Turner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nat Turner - Essay Example He was the property' of Benjamin Turner, a plantation owner. Nat Turner's mother and grandmother had been brought to America from Africa and hated the concept of slavery from the bottom of their hearts. Nat grew up deeply religious and intensely sharing his mother's views of slavery. He gradually believed that He was God's prophet chosen to lead his people out of slavery. An annual solar eclipse convinced Turner that God had signaled from the Heavens above to start a revolution and with seven other of his associates or friends who were also slaves launched a rebellion. The rebellion began with the house of Nat's new master Joseph Travis. Almost 50 white people were killed. Contrary to what Nat had planned the rebellion was crushed within 48 hours and he himself was captured several days later. Naturally this insurrection had incited public fury and led to a thousand idle exaggerated and mischevious reports' (Thomas R. Gray). It heralded the beginning of a series of upsurges of open rebellion of the slaves which eventually led to the Great Civil War. Everything was shrouded in mystery till the confession' of Nat Turner was brought to light. Thomas R. Gray met Nat Turner in prison and recorded his account of the slave rebellion .Nat Turner was regarded as the Great Bandit'. Thomas Gray claims he found Nat willing to make a full and free confession of the origin, progress and consummation of the insurrectory movements of the slaves of which he was the contriver and head'. (Thomas Gray) The Confessions of Nat Turner like all other confessions cannot be held to be a document of Absolute Truth. It is definitely a revelation of several facts most of which can be corroborated further but every convict even during the last confession of his life will be in fear of his captor even if faced with the gallows. Moreover, what he said has been written down by Thomas Gray in the prison cell. Just as what Turner said may have been directed by emotion so also what was finally written may have been tainted by the writer of this confession to satiate the greatly excited public mind'. The mind is fraught with the very pertinent question did Turner voluntarily make these confessions The Confession remains a subject of intellectual debate , "both praised as a brave look into a rarely represented life, and maligned for what many saw as a clichd conception of a black man.". (NAT TURNER: A Troublesome Property, Styron 1967) Nat Turner's rebellion marked a year that also saw the rise of the abolitionist movement, growing tensions over states' rights and the arrival of the steam locomotive.1831 proved to be a watershed year in American history (Louis P. Masur, author of 1831: Year of Eclipse). The hysterical climate that followed Turner's revolt, blacks from as far away as North Carolina were accused of being part of the insurrection and even executed. Harriet Ann Jacobs, who later escaped to freedom, describes this climate of fear and harassment in her memoirs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself. Nat 's confessions regarding his visions were probably correct and seem to be the words of a prophet who is convinced about his convictions. He sincerely believed that the Holy Spirit which spoke to prophets of earlier times actually spoke to him. He claims unabashedly that the Spirit told him "Seed ye the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reflective practioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reflective practioner - Essay Example What this means is that I would have the experience as well as the training (including on-going ones) in order to be effective in different classroom environments. For instance, if I am faced with a class constituted by different ethnic groups, I will be able to have the knowledge and teaching experience to tailor learning strategies according to each of their respective learning needs. In this respect, I would like to underscore that if I had satisfied the standards then I would also have displayed a record of engagement with the wider community, which will contribute a lot in my competency as a teacher in this kind of environment because it will widen my understanding on the socio-cultural dynamics of a diverse learning environment. The main purpose of the NSW teaching standards is to enhance the level of professionalism of teachers and teaching. (Bascia et al. 2005, p. 585) Particularly, the accreditation of teachers according to performance standards at various stages of development as a teacher is crucial in assuring the competency of those who have been validated. This is highlighted in the standards developed in the process of validation, which aims to ensure that teachers must: With the above factors in mind, I feel that the competency of the teacher is assured once he or she achieves a good level in each. The only problem that I could see is the attainment of consistency in these standards. So far, the only clear ground for disaccreditation is those on the grounds of ethical standards. This is underscored by the fact that the standards were developmental and not regulatory in nature. In Action Research, baseline data, or rather its gathering, constitute the second stage wherein researchers have to assess the current situation in relation to the research question. These data are information gathered through interviews and research on sources - both primary and secondary – in order to present the information necessary to establish the current

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cambridge University Press Essay Example for Free

Cambridge University Press Essay In literature, the notions of a sovereign and a tyrant were always mixed. Philosophical and theological works have not delineated any clear boundaries between a sovereign and a tyrant. However, several professors have attempted to determine, whether it was permissible to resist a tyrant, and how easily a sovereign could turn into a tyrant. In order to decide whether it is possible to resist a tyrant, we should determine who a tyrant is, and what resistance is meant by the question. Bodin (1992) refers to a tyrant as someone who makes himself into a sovereign prince by his own authority – without election, or right of succession, or lot, or a just war, or a special calling from God. Furthermore, tyrants are identified as those who are cruel, oppressive or excessively wicked (Bodin, 1992). Although ancient writers discussed the possibility of resisting to tyrant, they have not evaluated the risks for such resistance. Any opposition, whether real or imagined (planned) would be equaled to treason. Furthermore, a tyrant is also a sovereign who possesses absolute power and unlimited rights. Bodin (1992) suggests that the nation does not have the right to kill or physically eliminate the tyrant; but it can ignore the decisions that contradict to the laws of nature and God (Bodin, 1992). In this context, we should also remember that to be a sovereign does not necessarily means to be a tyrant; but being a tyrant always implies being a sovereign. It is a matter of ethical and powerful boundaries that each sovereign is able to cross. The first prerogative of a sovereign prince is to give law to all in general and each in particular (Bodin, 1992). This is also a prerogative of a tyrant, but a tyrant gives law without distinguishing between wickedness and virtue (Bodin, 1992). In general, Bodin (1992) concludes that it is never permissible for a subject to attempt a thing against a sovereign price, no matter how wicked and cruel a tyrant he may be. The problem is in that we still lack a proper definition of what a tyrant is. We risk abusing a sovereign for high taxes, but that does not mean that this sovereign is a tyrant! A tyrant may have the right to punish conspirators, but this may also be a natural need to protect ones right to live (Bodin, 1992). That is why we cannot make tyrants elimination lawful. References Bodin, J. (1992). On Sovereignty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Union and Nonunion Forms of Employee Representation

Union and Nonunion Forms of Employee Representation The history of workers shows us how important unions have been; it played a key role in the past and is playing a significant role in todays world scenarios. Unions just do not work for employees in a way they also help the employer by minimized turnover ratio, help reducing hiring and training cost associated with new employees. Because of all these reasons many times organisation prefers to have unionised set-up for employee voice preconisation. In these way the organisation save its resource and have smooth functioning in the company rather than using individualistic approach.(Freeman and Medoff 2004) tell about the positive sides of unions and say if the organisation takes proper care of it employees it can improve their performance at work place and also will motivate them. It wont be wrong to say union offers benefits to both employees and employers. Unions helps the employees to motivate by showing them promotion ladder and implementation of the collective interest and also by showing their rights they possess in the organisation but also their relation in state and in civil society. Unions encourage its members to be part of social welfare societies and take the given advantages. (Mike Donaldson 2008) talks about the history of labour union in Australian and how and when it came to its existence in Australia in early 1911. There it joined the linkage between the families and the organisation. It also tells about the very first stepping stone of labour trade union and their activities like the lockout at mining station and creating awareness of workers union. It is very important for union to make alliances with various forms of organisation and get interconnected within the states and the local working class and maintain strong relationship with other organisations. So the union keep term with the entire non government community organisation, small business and other organisation at state level and international level to form a productive relationship. (Gregor Gall 1998) With the help of these trade union organisations the workers can create a better working environment. It also helps to build trust within the organisation. Unions give a platform to employers to make good relationship with it employees and make critical but also constructive agreements for the welfare of the employees. (Rae Cooper, Bradon Ellem, Patricia Todd 2012) These articles talks about the new changes have been made in the Australian labour government fair work act 2009 and the restoration of collective bargaining as its main aim. The changes between 1996 and 2005 which are most important for assessing how the Fair Work Act was designed and has come to operate were those that altered bargaining arrangements and other changes which reduced union effectiveness. It briefly addressed each before dealing with the Fair Work Act itself. (Donna M. Buttigieg, Stephen J. Deery and Roderick D.lverson June 2008) article talks about the importance of union and shows us what all can go wrong without proper union in organisation. Its based on mobilization theory were in a large data is utilized for a survey done with financial service during renegotiation of collective bargaining contract. Through this survey it was clear that the masses would follow the union as they can experience sense of injustice done to employees when they held the collectivist orientation to work organisation. Perceptions of injustice are critical for collective action as they act as a means of separating workers from the employer in terms of shared interests, particularly where blame is attributed to management. Its the rights of the workers to join a union or be part of the union and accompanied by union official at disciplinary and grievance hearings. A fellow worker is chosen among the workers and is made a representative in non unionised setting who is more familiar with the association and can be the spoken person on behalf of the employees. These representatives perform various role in organisation they are many a times appointed by the management who carry the information from them and pass it widely within the employees.(Patmore 2006) non union representatives are normally functions in organisations which does not requires collective bargaining. All the employees are not part of unions and many times some employees disagree with the unions as well. Employees who are non unions members come to the representatives to take advice on legal duties or business transfers and also in situations of large scale redundancies. So she representatives help those employees who are not part of union and give them consultation on legal matters when it occurs. Many of the times these representatives are appointed by the management themselves so they can consult those employees who need them in performing legal duties and they dont have to search for such representatives when suddenly such legal duties are arise, these also helps the employees to improve their performance and be loyal and achieve their commitment done to employer.(Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A-M. and Shore, Lynn M 2007) The different forms of non union representatives such as Representative of health bad safety, Representative of information and consultation representative, Pension representatives, work force agreement representative etc. These forms of non union representative also work for the welfare of the employees and they are well organised and have good terms with the management as well. Health and safety representatives of employees are appointed in the organisation, they are not part of any union but they are representatives who work for the health and safety issues of the employees. Under the regulation 1996 as amended in 1998, 1999 and 2005) these representatives are covered under health and safety of employees. These representatives are given proper training so that they can perform their duties well in the situation of safety and health measures, they are paid for these training programs which encourage the employees to get involved in such activites.Their main agenda is to provide better health facilities to employees at work place and maintain the safety rules. The form of non union representative is information and consultant representative who is been selected from the members of subsequent information and consultation body. These representatives have the rights to provide protection against dismissal. They have the rights to negotiate an agreement or the s tandard agreement under the regulations. They see to that the employees practise the following regulations and provisions established. Under the occupational and personal pension schemes (consultation by Employers and Miscellaneous Amendment) regulation 2006 the representatives of pension carry out their functions in the organisation. These pension representatives are parts of union and non union forms and are elected to give consultation on issues related to pension schemes to the employees in the organisation. Under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, known as TUPE gives consultation over the transfer of undertaking. When there are no union to carry collective bargaining purposes the non union representatives consultation under TUPE. Then we have workplace representatives in the organisations that function under the workforce agreements. These agreements are between the employer and employees were they have mutual understanding on issues like working time, maternity and paternity and fixed term employment. The union have more rights as compare to the non union representatives but both try their best to protect the rights of the employees and their should not be any injustice done to them in terms of work aagrements.These various form of non union work representatives have come up together and performing the same role of union without being part of any particular labour union organisation. With the modern times the views of people are changing and they are excepting the concept of non union representatives. There has been tremendous decline in the trade union organisations. Many countries develop as well as developing countries are encouraging the non union forms of representative. These non union representative make employees views known to management , help strengthen both managements and employees understanding of workplace issues and other matters affecting the business, help create an atmosphere of mutual trust betwe en employees and management and therefore improve workplace relations.( Martin Upchurch, Mike Richardson, Stephanie Tailby, Andy Danford, Paul Stewart 2006) Non-union forms of employee representation have become increasingly encouraged at uk work place and soon the trend is started all across the globe. Many organisations are promoting and supporting the non union representatives for betterment of the employees. To improve the individual and organisational performance partnership working style has been encouraged by the new labour, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the Confederation of British Industry and the TUC. The article is based on the survey done in UK financial sector were interview were taken and full organisation was involved including the manager and staff. It showed the linkage between the working pattern of non union employees representative and the employer. The survey was based on the employees attitude. The result of the survey cleared showed tha t the non union partnership framework that was functioning in the organisation was constrained to a limited structure and because of these reason the demands of the employees was bounded. (Paul J. Gollan 2005) the article seeks the weaker side of non union form and tried to show that these representatives have less power than unionism organisations and it more controlled by management of the organisation. With the help of analysis it showed the importance of unions in terms support and sustainability. It showed the European directive on information and consultation and how it implemented in in the UK law and its increasing focus on workplace representation arrangements. It was clearly shown that many issues were raised like effectiveness, impact and legitimacy of union because of non union representatives. There was lack of effective voice of non union form of representatives and these were the major problem at Eurotunnel. In the forthcoming implementations into UK law this perceptions of the lack of effective voices is given importance in the recent introduction of the European directive. The main implication of this case study was that he non union representative an d management and the employees were not well coordinated and the representatives could not do much the of employees interest. It is essential to have effective employee voice over workplace to achieve and maintain employees satisfaction. The main difference between union and non-union forms of employee representation is joint consultation between the management and employees. These help the management to understand the problems of employees and choose the appropriate solution to problems. It helps in variety of decision making and exercise of power; in contrast to unionism. It gives equal opportunity to employees to join the agreement of the employers as its done in unionism(Salamon, 2000) so it is more of management preference instead of employee or unions representatives as they are the one encouraging employees , invest money on the activities in the organisation so their decisions it should be considered. The only motive is better performance and cost effective production. To remove the operational problems it very important that joint consultation method expands in organisations and these will help to make wise decision making which will even seek for the employees opinions. Union and non union representatives b oth work for the welfare of the employees in the organisation, their major motive is to give security to employees and to enhance their work performance in the organisation. These organisations also help the employers to know the need and area for betterment for the employees. But we can even denies the fact that many of the times these unions become a threat to the employers and take the undue advantage of the power were as the non union representation lack the independence and because of these there position is weaker compare to union. Both union and non union works for the betterment of employee and boost to employees performance.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Magical Realism in Gabriel Garcias A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings

Magical Realism in Gabriel Garcia's A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings      Ã‚   "A Very old Man with Enormous Wings" (1955) is a short story by Garbriel Garcia Marquez, a Latin American author. This story contains many elements of Magical Realism, such as having one fantastic element while being reality based, having a deeper meaning, and having no need to justify or explain events or human actions. The magical elements in this story are the old man (that is assumed to be an angel) and the girl who was turned into a spider because she disobeyed her parents. The angel is the element in Magical Realism that discovers the mysterious parts in life. Most people believe in supernatural beings like angels. Angels are usually thought of as protecting and taking one to the afterlife. The angel was believed to have come to take the baby to heaven. Another magical element was the sicknesses of the people who came to be healed by the angel. There was "a poor woman who since birth had been counting her heartbeats and had ran out of numbers; a Portuguese man who couldn't sleep because the noise of the stars disturbed him; a sleep-walker who got up at night to undo the things he had done while awake" (527). The realistic elements include everything else in this story. The people's curiosity to the angel and the lady spider are authentic. This element shows the curiosity of everyday people. Another trait of people is shown by Peylo and Elisenda, who take advantage of the angel by keeping him in a chicken coop and charging admission to see him. The purpose of the lady spider may have been to scare children into obeying their parents. The girl was normal until one night when she went against her parents wishes to a dance. On her wa... ..., an angel and an everyday world are crossed, and no one doubts the appearance. The deeper meaning is told though the life of the angel after he was caged and has an impact on any that would read it. This short story would be good for anyone to read whether he or she had read many Magical Realism stories or if he or she have not. Gabriel Garcia Marquez does a perfect job of "transforming the common and everyday into the awesome and unreal" (Flores 114). I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Works Cited Flores, Angel. "Magical Realism in Spanish American Fiction." Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham; N.C.: Duke UP, 1995: 109-118. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings." The Norton Introduction to literature. Ed. Jerome Beaty. N.Y.: W.W. Norton and Company, 1996: 525-529.   

Friday, October 11, 2019

Adults and Children Essay

A gated community is a type of residential community that upholds privacy and exclusivity. Residential houses within gated communities are bounded within limited proximities that are bordered by walls, gates, fences, and such. Access or entrance to gated communities is highly restricted not only for pedestrians, but also to various types of transportation as well. Within gated communities, residents are provided with services or amenities that are exclusive only to them. Sometimes, gated communities adapt the concept of larger communities by providing services and amenities that will allow residents to enjoy a comfortable home and lifestyle within the bounds of the area. Large-scale and highly private or exclusive gated communities even provide small to medium sized shopping centers, recreational facilities, food and dining centers, and such that enables residents within it to enjoy daily living tasks and activities comfortable within its proximities. (Blandy & Lister, 287) The purpose of establishing gated communities is to provide the community with safe and secure housing opportunities for individuals allowing them to experience a peaceful and relaxed home environment. Security systems established within gated communities for limit access from non-residents ensure individuals that the area is sheltered and guarded from criminal activities. (McGoey) Another objective for the establishment of the concept of gated communities is to allow residents to control or manage the community or environment they live in by granting them the power or authority to supervise roles or activities within it. Gated communities are guarded by appointed security officers, but it is usually managed by a Homeowner’s Association – a group or organization which handles everything that has something to do with living within the gated community. The owners of the properties within the gated community gather and elect leaders who will be in charge of overseeing all needs, problems, concerns, and other issues that might require urgent attention and resolutions. In addition, gated communities also serve as housing facilities that promises to provide residents with the best quality of life by offering unlimited access to fun, entertainment, and privacy. For instance, some large-scale gated communities have golfing areas that are accessible only to residents. Residents are allowed to play within the golfing areas without any limitations. (â€Å"Explore Gated Communities! †) Due to the benefits and advantages of living in gated communities, some discussed previously, it has become a major trend in modern housing. (â€Å"Explore Gated Communities! †) However, although the positive attributes or aspects of gated communities have been discussed, there seems to be some issues raised on its influence or effect to the behavior and lifestyle of adults and children who live within and outside the community. Adults and children who live in and outside gated communities acquire both positive and negative qualities and perspectives from the context or dimensions of walled housing arrangements. The effects of living within gated communities vary from emotional and psychological, to moral and social influences. The remainder of this paper will discuss how the behavior and lifestyle of adults are influenced by the structure of gated communities. In terms of the relationship between adults and children, living within gated communities allows parents and older members of families to feel at ease with the whereabouts of their children within the community. The focus of gated communities on providing safe and secure home environments ensure parents that their children are safe without their close supervision as long as they stay within the confines of the gated community. (Le Goix, 2003) This helps them to focus on other urgent things or concerns as they feel no worries or stress regarding the safety of their children. On the other hand, parents who live outside gated communities feel the worry and stress due to the relocation or concentration of criminal activities outside the walls of gated communities. Since the difference between gated communities and the public is most observable in terms of safety and security measures, the distinction between these two kinds of communities gives way to the unequal division or distribution of criminal activities within the entire community. Criminal activities will converge on areas neighboring non-gated communities. (â€Å"Diagonal Mar – A Gated Community,†) This concern allows parents to feel worried or stressed about the safety of their children leaving them deeply involved with ensuring that they keep them protected at all times.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

President Candidates

Michael Brandenburg F. Abraham Macroeconomics 23 October 2011 Six Republican Candidates Mitt Romney solution to our unemployment crises is to have people pay for unemployment insurance like the pay for heath or home insurance. Then the government can use their extra money to help create extra jobs. One of the things that Newt Gingrich wants to do is lower the corporation tax to make the United States more desirable. This will help companies that moved to China to come back to the USA. Michele Bachmann believes that when you take the minimum wage off it will create more jobs.The competitive market will increase the minimum wage on its own while providing more jobs. Rick Perry claims that stimulus money should only be used occasionally not constantly. Another thing he plans on doing is cut taxes so companies can hire more employees. Ron Paul wants to strengthen the dollar value in such so the things we own and sell are worth more. Paul also informs us that when you decrease inflation i t stabilizes the job market. Herman Cain says that people at or below the poverty line should not have to pay income tax.Also he agrees to get rid of minimum wage to promote competition between businesses. Works Cited http://www. sodahead. com/united-states/romney-workers-should-pay-their-own-unemployment-benefits/question-1388133/ http://www. lsureveille. com/bachmann-s-repeal-of-minimum-wage-will-not-fix-economy-1. 2604388 http://offthekuff. com/wp/? p=18061 http://www. nolanchart. com/article4214-ron-paul-could-fix-the-dollar. html http://www. dailykos. com/story/2011/10/21/1028782/-Herman-Cains-fix-to-his-9-9-9-plan:-create-opportunity-zones-of-corporatederegulation

Management and Human Resource Development Essay

1.Integration with organizational missions and goals According to Garavan (1991), integration into business planning in order to contribute to corporate goals and missions of the organization are very crucial. One of Human Resource Development’s functions is to help in formation of business strategies for the organization and it is seen as a responsive and reactive role for strategic human resource development (McCracken & Wallace, 2000). Furthermore, the role of SHRD is to shape the organization strategy instead of simply supporting role. Another role of Human Resource Development is to implement or form the corporate strategy. These tasks require them to link the corporate strategy with the organization’s missions and goals. According to Legnick-Hall and Legnick-Hall (1988) and Butler (1988), besides integrating the corporate strategy with the organizational missions and goals, strategic human resource development also plays an important role in shaping and influencing the missions and goals (as stated in McCracken and Wallace, 2000). 2.Top management support  In strategic human resource development, top management support is very important in order to implement the corporate strategy. The corporate strategy that has been formed need to be led actively by the top management people rather than just simply supported by them (Harrison, 1997). Active leadership from the top management will help the managers to adopt strategic thinking in achieving the targeted goals (McCracken and Wallace, 2000). 3.Environmental scanning  In SHRD, environmental scanning is very important to develop the strategic planning. HRD professionals and others senior managers need to conduct the SWOT and PEST analysis. These analyses will help the organization to respond or react to any changes in the internal or external environment (Rainbird, 1995; Peery and Salem, 1993). However, environmental scanning alone is not enough because HRD terms and top management need to implement it (McCracken and Wallace, 2000). Level of Strategic Human Resource Development  The first level of contexts that are crucial in order to understand the contribution of strategic human resource development is global environment. By analyzing and understanding the global environment is very important for an organization in order to be more flexible. Being flexible helps an organization to control and respond quickly to its surrounding, especially the external environment. This level focuses on a multiplicity of external factors that explain the role of SHRD in crisis management and generate particular SHRD initiatives (Wang, Hutchins & Garavan, 2009). There are three sets of component that must be understood in the context of global environment which are local conditions, national conditions and multinational conditions. Local conditions basically focus on laws and protocol. For example, the organization might need to devise emergency planning processes to tackle potential crisis regarding the safety and health law (Wang, Hutchins & Garavan, 2009). Local conditions can be divided into two parts which are economic and political trends as well as industry characteristics. The organization must alert with the economic and political conditions within the country. For the industry characteristics, the organization must ensure that their products and services have its own uniqueness. They need to master the products and services very well where all information need to be in their fingertips. They also need to know the targeted audiences for every of the product and services provided. The national conditions which can be divided into four parts. The first part is technology change. The organization must provide adequate training to its employees to increase the productivity of the employees in operating the latest technology. Since technology is rapidly change, so the employees need to be trained from time to time. The second part is the characteristics of the labor market. An organization must be flexible in terms of planning about the resources of the organizations especially when it comes to human resources. The management needs to hire more expertise. The third set is national culture. The organization need to learn and understand about the culture in order to provided the right products and services. For example, the food industry in Malaysia, they need to ensure that most of the foods are halal in order to fit it with the Muslim culture. The last part is regarding the national HRD systems. Some countries use the â€Å"soft† interventions rather than the â€Å"hard† approaches such as codes and protocols (Wang, Hutchins & Garavan, 2009). It may appear as a component of partnership planning between the government, employers and trade unions. The last set of components is the multinational conditions which are cross-culture difference and international laws and regulations. Cross-cultural differences such as cultural assumptions towards planning and risk may also operate by some organizations. According to Tierney,Lindell & Perry (2001), Asian countries are slow to react to disasters and they do not understand the important of systems and processes to deal with these disasters. Meanwhile, according to Caudron (2002), global terrorist events and international criminal acts have alert the national government regarding the important of providing the security education and professional education of human resources involved in security management. Certain multinational corporations may also pose some policies on individual companies within the corporation’s (Wang, Hutchins & Garavan, 2009).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Organizational Charts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Charts - Assignment Example The said goals have to be broken down into activities and tasks for the departments with addition of seven new positions for sales and marketing department and two additional positions in human resources department. With provision of new resources to all department manager at, there is a need for the creation of new positions and opportunities for new employees. The approach will assist in making sure that the organization meets its goal of having the responsibility of hiring new employees under sales, marketing, and human resource department. This requires the attention of the functional area background, which include planning, organization, leadership and control of the new set of additional employees. Under sales and marketing, I will add seven new employees and position them strategically to be productive to help the organization meet its goals. In consideration to all the already available positions under sales and marketing, I concluded opening new positions, which include the regional sales manager. This is slightly different from sales manager position and the position of business and market analysts. These positions will meet the company’s goals of achieving double income. With a new integration of this new department, the organization will be in a position to extend its sales activities from an overall department overseeing all the branches of the organization to multiple sales offices running independently in all the branches from all over they are. All the regional sales managers should then harmonize all the branches under one department, which is the sales department. The new sales and marketing organizational chat will look as follows. Business analysis has emerged as a major business practice. It acts as a link between organization information technology competencies and the business objectives where skilled business analysts contribute to profitability, with employment of business analysts by Artha Corporation will help in seizing

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Art of Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Art of Postmodernism - Essay Example The essay "Art of Postmodernism" discusses art in the era of postmodernism. It is known that the tendencies that dominate in society reflect in the artwork of the individuals in this era, so it is not supprising that this all of a sudden break from tradition caused a new artistic style to appear. Today we call this style Modernism. It is evident that in the art of this period there was a mass reduction in works that were produced on commission. The works were instead produced for the benefit of the individual artist for him/herself or for some kind of higher purpose. Once modernism arrived, artists started looking for a new kind of truth – the truth that was backed up by science, industry and reality. The artists’ perception of the world had drastically changed. While in the past the purpose and the characteristics of real art were universal and imperturbable. At that time various groups of artists started emerging, each with their own particular vision of art as well a s truth. For example, take Cubists such as Braque and Picasso who used the principles of geometry to break down real three-dimensional objects in order to find their true forms. A universally accepted genius Salvador Dali and his counterparts, Surrealists, directed all their efforts and talent to various subconscious experiments that opened a door to truth and real art for them. Matisse used color as his vehicle, while Cezanne was consumed by light and form. Balla and Boccioni got fully absorbed by completing Futurist manifestos.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Dramatic Literature Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dramatic Literature Analysis Paper - Essay Example Each member of the Younger family is driven by the dreams of their own. Mama intends to buy a house of her own while the son, Walter Lee, wants to invest money on a liquor store which, according to him, will solve their financial crisis. Unfortunately, their race and Walters business partners betrayal stand in the path of the fulfillment of their dreams. However, the family sticks together to make their dreams come true. The main characters strive to deal with the tyrannical circumstances inflicted upon them. All the sufferings they endure, fights they indulge in and the frustration that comes out in various ways, including Walters  fights with Ruth, Mama, and Beneatha,   Ruth’s consideration of an abortion and Beneatha dating two very different men, certainly seems to be the result of their intense struggle to attain their dreams. However, the final realization that the dream of a house is most important for it unites the family, exhibits that pride in oneself is the only way to hold on to one’s self-esteem and assert one’s value as a human being. Similarly, Mama’s dedication to the plant is the symbol of her utmost care and dream for her family to move up in the  world. The play A Raisin in the Sun is an intriguing piece of work by Hansberry which describes the importance of family and unity. It is thought provoking as it describes the efforts of a poor black family that, despite the numerous predicaments, choose to stick together to attain a place of its

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Globalization, Outsourcing, Off-shoring, and Offshore Outsourcing Essay

Globalization, Outsourcing, Off-shoring, and Offshore Outsourcing Impact on Culture - Essay Example By the first decade of 2000, it had become widespread business practice to contract knowledge reliant work to countries such as India or the Philippines. Now, the number of certain jobs decreases in the United States, but new positions and responsibilities are emerging. Along with risk comes opportunity. Next, we detail how globalization, outsourcing, off-shoring and offshore outsourcing have influenced contemporary culture. The dangers of losing important business skills and dependence upon remote suppliers looms large (Loebbecke, C., Huyskens, C., and Mitev, N.). Team disintegration due to global divisions of labor is problematic. Off shoring has affected job opportunities for graduates of information systems programs. To fill these gaps, American students train to manage offshore operations which has required adaptations of IS curricula globally. Such programs focus on thinking globally but acting locally - a set of independent interrelationships. Finally, we give the modern business person clues to solving the challenge of globalization, outsourcing, off-shoring, and offshore outsourcing.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Accountability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Accountability - Essay Example They both set a level of standards for their subjects which they are required to conform and abide by in the accountability administration. The two organizations monitor and regulate different subjects. The APSA regulates individuals who are involved in political science; these include students, teachers and professors (The American Political Science Association, n.d). The New York State Public Officers Law Code of Ethics sets a frame work for officers and employees (‘Public Officers Law’, n.d). The difference in the subjects and nature of professional discipline means that different principles need to be applied in either case. Though the two codes share similar goals in their implementation of principles, they have a different jurisdiction as the New York code is limited to the state public officers whereas APSA can even protect non American scholars. Hence, the difference in this aspect is the depth of coverage offered by the two codes. The two codes have different approaches in implementing and prescribing public administrators accountability. The New York State Public Officers Law Code of Ethics regulates behavior through a punishment process whereby failure to abide by a certain code results in a form of punishment or penalty. The APSA however, is more authoritative and guiding and has fewer elements of threat or negative

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Food and Beverage Services Essay Example for Free

Food and Beverage Services Essay Then the service is done a laid cover on the table. Following are the type of service come under this category: English Service: Often referred to as the Host Service because the host plays an active role in the service. Food is brought on platters by the waiter and is shown to either portions the food into the guest plates directly or portions the food and allows the waiter to serve. For replenishment of guest food the waiter may then take the dishes around for guests to help themselves or be served by the waiter. French Services: It is a very personalized service. Food is brought from the kitchen in dishes nd salvers, which are placed directly on the table. The plates are kept near the dish and the guests help themselves. Silver Service: The table is set for hors doeuvres, soup, main courses and sweet dish in sterling silverware. The food is portioned into silver platters at the kitchen itself, which are placed at the sideboard with burners or hot plates to keep the food warm in the restaurant. Plates are placed before the guest. The waiter then picks the platter from the hot plate and presents the dish to the host for approval. He serves each guest using a service spoon and fork. All food is presented in silver dishes with laborate dressing. American/Plate Service: The American service is a pre-plated service, which means that the food is served into the guests plate in the kitchen itself and brought to the guest. The kitchen predetermines the portion and the accompaniments served with the dish balance the entire presentation in terms of nutrition and color. This type of service is commonly used in a coffee shop where service is required to be fast. Russian Service: An elaborate silver service much on the lines of French service except that the food is portioned and carved by the waiter at the gueridon trolley in he restaurant in full view of the guests. Display and presentation are a major part of this service. The principle involved is to have whole Joints, poultry, game and fish elaborately dressed and garnished, presented to guests and carved and portioned by the waiter. Gueridon Service: This is a service where a dish comes partially prepared from the kitchen to be completed in the restaurant by the waiter or, when a complete meal is cooked at the tableside in the restaurant. The cooking is done on a gueridon trolley, which is a mobile trolley with a gas cylinder and burners. The waiter plays a rominent part, as he is required to fillet, carve, flamb © and prepare the food with showmanship. The waiter has to have considerable dexterity and skill. Snack-bar Service: Tall stools are placed along a counter so that the guest may eat the food at the counter itself. In better establishments, the covers are laid out on the counter its

Employee Performance in the Hotel Industry

Employee Performance in the Hotel Industry 1.1 Background Information: Employees are the assets for an organization. This is true because the success or failure of any organization depends upon its employee too. The importance of an employee in hospitality industry becomes more significant because of its nature- manpower intensive industry. In hospitality industry and hotel sector especially it is very important for organizations to stay focused on employee performance and so how to get enhancement in the employee performance. There are many reason of providing training to the employees. One basic reason is to fill the performance gap after having been identified the same. This gape can be known while having performance evaluation process. These days hotels have been taking continuous efforts to provide most practical and relevant training to the employees of all the functional area of the hotel concerned. These efforts of the hotels are more towards integration and getting more concrete results. Those hotels earning good profit have their well-developed training systems and they resort to a planned approach to training its employees. This level of hotel organization has regular training programmes regardless of its concrete tangible gains or not. There are many hotels where they have different approach to train the employees, that approach is intentional training, this includes providing training to all the employees irrespective of their deficiencies and strengths. This kind of approach of training goes on as one of the function of the organization. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K (2005) Employee performance is more important in this industry because employees are having direct interaction with the guest and secondly it is employee of the hotel industry that satisfies its guest. So it is very important for the manager concerned to know the factors that affects employee performance. There is a saying that perfection of work depends on pleasure at job. So pleasure and performance both can be achieved by quality education about the subject area and systematic training of the same. As far as Indian hospitality industry is concerned, a report commissioned by the department of tourism, Government of India, revealed that the annual demand for trained manpower in hotels and restaurants is likely to touch 29,000 by the year 2010. This figure is likely to increase to approximately 39,000 by the year 2020.And the actual supply of manpower? A total of approximately 18,000 students are being trained in hotel management and food craft annually in the country. Currently, in hotels, attrition rates are at 18-25 per cent per annum, and growing at an alarming rate of 10 per cent per annum. This, exacerbated by an escalating wage bill of 10-12 per annum with a five-year forecast pegged at a minimum increase of 40 per cent over current levels. Thus systematic training will play a life saving role in hospitality industry to counter with the current scenario. www.indiatoday/may2007/page24 After having basic information about systematic training and its significance to the hotel industry author would like to provide definitions of the key terms of this research. 1.2 Definitions: Training means learning some new things for increment or development of the working personnel. Training is becoming a necessary for having skills and attitudes as a part of each individuals working life for the higher performance. Performance Management: it is a process which is designed to improve organization, team and individual performance and which is owned and driven by line manager. Fool.M, Hock.C (2002). Training constitutes a systematic approach to training which includes taking the time to analyze what results the organization needs from its employees, if employees are accomplish those results. A systematic approach includes evaluating approaches before, during and after training to ensure employees truly benefited from the training in terms of enhanced results to the organization. Training is a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behavior through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities. Golssmith.A, Nickson.D, Solan.S, Wood.R.C,; (1997). Training is a systematic process through which an organizations human resources gain knowledge and develop skills by instructions and practical activities that result in improved corporate performance. Frank.M.G, Mary.L, Monchello, BaumJ (1996). 1.3 Aim and objectives / Research Questions / Hypothesis: 1.3.1 Aim and Objectives: Purpose of this research work is to explore systematic training as a major factor in enhancement of employee performance in service department of hotel Industry. To explore the term Systematic Training and employee performance in hotel Industry. To explore the determinants of employee performance To find out relation between systematic training and employee performance. To explore training as motivational tool that leads to employee satisfaction. To explore the process involved in systematic training 1.3.2 Research Question: R.Q.1: What are the factors that influence employee performance in hotel sector of hospitality Industry? R.Q.2: How systematic training will ensure employee performance in hotel Industry? R.Q.3: What is the mechanism (process or technique) of systematic training? Is training works as motivational factor? 1.4 Rationale behind choice of this research topic: Employee performance is key to success of hotel organizations. So this is a prime area of focus because employee performance leads to organizational success and especially in hotel industry because of its nature that is manpower intensive industry. This is the reason employee performance is always a matter of consideration. These are the reasons author felt to explore this area with the help of systematic training. 1.5 Structure of Dissertation: This section is about presentation of the dissertation. First chapter after this introduction section is LITERATURE REVIEW which is chapter No.2, in this section author has presented his secondary research. After that chapter No.3 is METHODOLOGY chapter where in author has explained the methodology used to achieve the aim and objectives of this research. After methodology section there is chapter No.4 which is basically ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS with the help of tables and graphs. And at last chapter is 5 which contains CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. After these there is BIBLIOGRAPHY section which is nothing but list of references, followed by APPENDIX section which contains sample questionnaire and other additional material related with this research. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction: Literature review section of this report is secondary research related to the topic area and aim and objectives established by the author. This section of the research has been proving the research related to the topic area with the help of secondary research. All the variables of this research has been taken into account and all possible factors are also explored which is statements and quotes and sayings of scholars. 2.2 Significance of performance management: Performance management requires a willingness and commitment to focus on improving performance at the level of individual or team everyday. It focuses on performance and potential appraisal, performance review and feedback, and 360-degree feedback. All these processes center round improvement of performance levels of the employees. Its main purpose is to improve performance at all three levels- individual, group and hotel. A direct application of performance management is raising competency levels and potential of employees through employee training and development. Training and development efforts need to be linked with performance and potential appraisal systems prevailing in the hotel to improve results from training. Concrete gains from such training efforts initiated for employees can be achieved. Where performance appraisal has indicated poor performance, training focused at improving needed performance levels can yield significant improvement of performance by initiating need based professional development programs. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Managing higher performance in a hotel is very much dependent on adopting a systematic training approach by which training gives better results and is more effective for both the individual as well as for the hotel. Training is a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behavior through learning experience to achieve effective performance in a activity or a range of activities. Goldsmith A, Nicleson D, Solan S, Wood RC: (1997) Training includes systematic training, which includes the different approaches like Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. Therefore systematic training means to analyze the needs and training goals of the organization with knowledge and skills to perform according to the hotel needs. Then a design of training system is there by which a training package is developed, which is inclusive of audio-visual, graphics, manuals etc. and at last implementing the package, which is developed. Simply approaches of systematic training provide a phase to next phase as it is a ongoing process. 2.3 Types of Training and Development: 2.3.1 Informal Training and Development Informal training and development is rather casual and incidental. Typically, there are no specified training goals as such, nor are their ways to evaluate if the training actually accomplished these goals or not. This type of training and development occurs so naturally that many people probably arent aware that theyre in a training experience at all. Probably the most prominent form of informal training is learning from experience on the job. Examples are informal discussions among employees about a certain topic, book discussion groups, and reading newspaper and journal articles about a topic. A more recent approach is sending employees to hear prominent speakers, sometimes affectionately called the parade of stars. Informal training is less effective than formal training if one should intentionally be learning a specific area of knowledge or skill in a timely fashion. Hardly any thought is put into what learning is to occur and whether that learning occurred or not. (However, thi s form of training often provides the deepest and richest learning because this form is what occurs naturally in life.) 2.3.2 Formal Training and Development: Formal training is based on some standard form. Formal training might include: Declaring certain learning objectives (or an extent of knowledge, skills or abilities that will be reached by learners at the end of the training), using a variety of learning methods to reach the objectives and then applying some kind(s) of evaluation activities at the end of the training. The methods and means of evaluation might closely associate with the learning objectives, or might not. For example, courses, seminars and workshops often have a form but its arguable whether or not their training methods and evaluation methods actually assess whether the objectives have been met or not.http:/ / 2.3.3 Formal, Systematic Training and Development: Systematic, formal training involves carefully proceeding through the following phases: 1. Assessing what knowledge, skills and /or abilities are needed by learners; 2. Designing the training, including identifying learning goals and associated objectives, training methods to reach the objectives, and means to carefully evaluate whether the objectives have been reached or not; 3. Developing the training methods and materials; 4. Implementing the training; and 5. Evaluating whether objectives have been reached or not, in addition to the quality of the training methods and materials themselves A systematic approach is goal-oriented (hopefully, to produce results for the organization and/or learners), with the results of each phase being used by the next phase. Typically, each phase provides ongoing evaluation feedback to other phases in order to improve the overall systems process. Not all formal methods are systematic. Some courses, workshops, and other training sessions have goals, methods and evaluation, but they are not aligned, or even integrated. The methods, in total, do not guide the learner toward achieving the training goal. The evaluations are too often of how a learner feels about the learning experience, rather than of how well the learning experience achieved the goal of the training. 2.3.4 Self-Directed and Other-Directed Training: Self-Directed Training Self-directed training includes the learner making the decisions about what training and development experiences will occur and how. Self-directed training seems to be more popular of late. Note that one can pursue a self-directed approach to informal or formal training. For example, self-directed, informal training might include examples of informal training (book discussion groups, etc.), as long as the learner chose the activities and topics themselves, either for professional or personal reasons. Self-directed, formal training includes the learners selecting and carrying out their own learning goals, objectives, methods and means to verify that the goals were met. htpp// Other-Directed Learning This form, of course, is where someone other than the learner drives what training activities will occur. Other-directed, informal training includes, e.g., supervisors sending employees to training about diversity, policies, sexual harassment in the workplace. Other-directed, formal training includes where someone other than the learner specifies the training goals will be met in training, how those goals will be met and how evaluation will occur to verify that the goals were met. This form of learning is probably the most recognized because it includes the approach to learning as used in universities, colleges and training centers. This form of learning typically grants diplomas and certificates. Note that this form of training, although readily available in universities, etc., is usually somewhat generic, that is, the program is geared to accommodate the needs of the most learners and not be customized to any one learner. Therefore, a learner may pay tuition fees to learn knowledge and skills that he or she may not really need.Another form of other-directed, formal training is employee development plans. The plans identify performance goals, how the goals will be reached, by when and who will verify their accomplishment. htpp// Other-directed, formal training can be highly effective for helping learners gain desired areas of knowledge and skills in a timely fashion. A drawback is that learners can become somewhat passive, counting on the expert to show them when and what they should be doing. htpp// 2.4 Systematic Training Approach: Adopting a systematic approach to training helps ensure that supervisors are getting the most out of themselves and their employees. A systematic approach to training includes the time to analyze what results the hotel needs from its employees, if employees are accomplishing those results, and what training and what training and development approaches are needed by employees to better accomplish those results. A systematic approach includes evaluating approaches before, during and after training to ensure employees truly benefited from the training in terms of enhanced results to the organization. These also have to be linked with performance management. Effective training and development includes using sound principles of performance management and effective training techniques. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) 2.4.1 Steps: Analysis-: Analyze the hotel needs and identify training goals which, when reached, will equip learners with knowledge and skills to meet the hotels needs. Usually this phase also includes identifying when training should occur and who should attend as learners. Purpose of training analysis is identifying training goals. A training analysis is conducted ultimately to identify training areas and plans for learners to help them acquire higher competence levels and contribute to accomplishment of the hotels goals (usually in terms of a performance standard). Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Design:- Design a training system that learners and trainers can implement to meet the learning goals; typically includes identifying learning objectives, need facilities, necessary funding, course contents, lessons and sequence of lessons. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Designing the Training Programs-: The step requires listing of typical activities involved in designing training. During the design phase (which is usually closely integrated with the development phase), trainers work from learning goals to design a training system that learners and trainers can implement to meet the learning goals. This phase also typically includes identifying learning objectives, need facilities, necessary funding, course contents, lessons and sequence of lessons. The various training media are selected, e.g.: instructor-led, computer-based, worldwide web based, self-directed, interactive and computer-based, or multi ­media. Therefore this design phase can also include identifying evaluation criteria to evaluate if course content is understandable by learners. There are some points considered for the phase which are as follows: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The nature and type of training that is to be imparted. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The anticipated that learners may take to learn the particular aspects desired to be imparted from the training. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The financial provisions that can be possible to be made for the particular type of training. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The level of participants group. Formulating Program Learning Objectives-: Training programs should be designed by the trainers and/or learners to achieve certain overall goals. Programmes should also include various learning objectives that will help in achieving the overall goals of the training programme. Care must be taken while designing a training programmers learning objectives. These should be designed and worded to the extent that others can clearly understand. These training objectives have to be clarified to the learners in the beginning of the programme so that they know from the beginning what specifically are the programme objective and whether the same have been achieved or not. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Develop : Programme development requires developing right from the programme outline to training manuals, trainers manuals, specific cases, so that programme objectives and learning goals can be achieved with optimum efforts for training made. It must be developed and implemented in a manner so that the best results from training are achieved. The way the entire programme is conceived and developed is also an important determinant for the success of the training effort. It contains the following main activities: Developing Programme Learning Activities-: Every programme must contain a set of learning activities consisting of a mix of role-plays, exercises, games, instruments, cases, etc. these learning activities have to be compiled theme and sub- theme wise. Training material must be systematically developed and finally each sub-theme, theme with the help of various learning activities must culminate in concrete learnings. Development requires documentation of all these and compiled a trainees and trainers manuals to use as resource material for conducting programmes systematically. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Develop System of Continuous Learning-: Programme can be developed in such a way that the process of continuous learning is in-built in the programme structure itself and learners continue to learn even after the programme is over. Therefore it is important that the process learning must continue. This can be possible through developing mechanisms for reinforcements by the learners superiors, post training follow-ups, and helping learners develop a plan of action for implementing in the place of work both in short term and long term. The techniques to help facilitate occurrence of continuous learning on the various programme themes, has to be planned and integrated into the programme development phase. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Implement-: This phase involves implementing the developed training package, which includes scheduling and delivering the training materials, and running the programme. This phase can include many administrative activities, such as copying, taken attendance data, billing participants, arrangements for program logistics and support facilities to create a favorable environment for learners. The major activities requiring care in this phase among others mentioned above are: Selecting a Trainer-: This activity is the most important activity. The appropriateness of the trainer will determine the effectiveness of the programme as well as the cost. The most important consideration when selecting a trainer is if they are well suited to the training design required to meet the learning goals. For e.g, if learners prefer computer-based instruction, then they will benefit most from a trainer only when he will have a thorough understanding of on-line/web enabled training technologies with a high level of personal mastery. Trainers may be chosen from among the following depending on needs, suitability and costs. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Evaluate-: Training evaluation is extremely important phase and preferably, must be done before, during and after implementation of training. Evaluation process must adopt approaches that are practical and relevant. Typically evaluation could be carried out at four distinct points of time. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Evaluating Before the Implementation Phase-: The evaluation at this point must find out whether: The planned training package will really result in enhancing the employees knowledge and skills needed to perform the task or carry out the assignment roles. The same has been attended by other employees in the hotel and that how useful have they found. The employees are/will be comfortable with the training pedagogy. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Evaluating During Implementation of Training Programme-: It requires finding out: How are the participants feeling about the relevance and usefulness of the programme, getting more and more interested or disinterested? Continuously undertake recapitulation before the next day and sum up before the close of the day. A short-programme evaluation could be structured and taken during the middle of the programme to take any corrective action required. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Evaluating Immediately After Completion of the Training-: The training programme must be evaluated properly after the same has been completed. This can be done by: Giving each participant a feedback form and taking a structured written feedback. Take the participants verbal feedback to check for anything that has not been covered up in the written feedback. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) Evaluation after completion of 3-4 Months of Training: This is generally done by an expert evaluator from inside or outside the hotel to evaluate what have been the concrete gains to both the learners knowledge and skills and to the hotel as well. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) 2.5 Advantages of Systematic Training: Training involves an expert working with the learners to transfer to them certain areas of knowledge or skills to improve in their current jobs. Development is a broad, ongoing multifaceted set of activities (training activities among them) to bring someone or an organization up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or new role in future. The typical benefits are as follows: Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees. Increased employee motivation. Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain. Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods. Increased innovation in strategies and products. Reduced employee turnover. Enhanced hotel image. Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005) 2.6 Dimensions of Systematic Training and Development Processes: Systematic Training and development processes could be described using two dimensions one for the degree of formality and one for the balance between self-directed and other-directed learning. These two sets of choices result in four overall approaches. That is, one can take an informal approach to self-directed or other-directed learning. Similarly, one can take a formal approach to self-directed or other-directed learning. htpp// The decision about what approach to take to systematic training depends on several factors. These factors include the amount of funding available for training, specificity and complexity of the knowledge and skills needed, timeliness of training needed, and capacity and motivation of the learner. Other-directed, formal training is typically more expensive than other approaches, but is often the most reliable to use for the learner to achieve the desired knowledge and skills in a timely fashion. Self-directed, informal learning can be very low-cost; however the learner should have the capability and motivation to pursue their own training. Training may take longer than other-directed forms. htpp// Highly specific and routine tasks can often be trained without complete, formal approaches. On the other hand, highly complex and changing roles often require more complete and formal means of development, which can be very expensive as a result. If training is needed right away, then other-directed training is often very useful, e.g., to sign up for a training course at a local university, college or training center. Or, a training professional can be brought in. Again, other-directed training is usually faster and more reliable, but more expensive. Self-directed forms of training require that the learner be highly motivated and able to conceptualize their approach to training, particularly in formal training. htpp// 2.6 Factors affecting systematic Training Programme: After having a series of discussions with the trainers/management consultants several factors were identified and grouped into which affect the training programmes negatively. Some of the factors which contributed to the negative results of training programmes are grouped as the reasons for failure of a training programme. Some reasons are identified for less effective training programmes and the responses were collected on a five point scale. All the reasons were listed in the questionnaire and the respondents were asked to rate the reasons for the less effective/ poor quality of a training programme. In the opinions of the respondents and the mean values of the reasons for less effective training programmes, the following are the factors, which affect the most of the training programme results: No follow up after the training programmes. Too much of individual difference among the trainees. Lack of motivation to trainees after the training. Inadequate opportunity to perform what the trainee has learned during the programme. Resistance to change due to uncertainty of outcomes. Communication gaps at the programmes. Too short duration. Lack of genuine support from top management. Very little planning or problems in the design itself. ( Srivastava.V.N, Shafiq.M, Ghosh.K; (2005)) Informations of this section have been taken from work of many scholars as a part of secondary research. Based on the secondary research author would like to conclude that to have enhancement in performance of hotel staff systematic training would be a vital factor. Now author will conduct primary research and discuss the concept based on his own experience after having interaction with the samples while conducting primary research. Author will replicate this conclusion based on secondary research, in the conclusion section of this report, while writing conclusion based on primary research. Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design: A research can be exploratory, descriptive or explanatory. The determination of a particular research (as whether it is exploratory, descriptive or explanatory) is based on the aims and objectives of the research. Exploratory research seeks to get new insights into the subject, answers the research questions and assesses a phenomena from a new perspective. In other words, such research attempts to understanding or clarifying a problem (Saunders et al, 2005). Further they add that exploratory research goes through the processes of reviewing literature and consulting to experts on the subject through selected methods of consultation. They further put that exploratory research is advantageous in the sense that it is flexible and adaptable to change. Thus while conducting exploratory research a researcher can change his/her direction considering the new data and new insights. On the other end, as according to Saunders et al. (2005), the purpose of descriptive research is to highlight an accurate profile of an event or situation. This research is also termed as an extension of exploratory research, where a clear picture of phenomena is required before collecting the data. Finally there comes explanatory research, which according to Saunders et al. (2005), establishes relationship between variables and in such type of research focus is given on studying a situation or a problem (through explaining relationship between variables). In such type of research various statistical tests are conducted in order to examine the relationship. The aim of this research is to examine five star hotels on the basis of systematic training to the staff of service department and staff performance point of views. 3.2 Research Method Business and management Research, like any other study, has evolved through years of theoretical foundations and conceptualisations. Research may be defined as something that people undertake in order to find out things in a systematic way, thereby increasing their knowledge (Saunders, Lewis Thornhill, 2003). Research would not be meaningful if it is not done in a systematic way i.e. it should have a clear purpose and data collection should be done accordingly followed by assembling of data collected along with interpretation without which it is not considered a resea